Piper Pawnee Service Manual PA-25, 150 235 260 Part # 753-520
Price: | $25.95 |
Availability: | In Stock |
Model: | 753-520 |
Manufacturer: | Piper |
Average Rating: | Not Rated |
Pawnee Service Manual PA-25
PA-25, 150 235 260 Piper Service Manual Part Number 753-520 The manual is 202 pages long.
PIPER PAWNEE PA-25 SERVICE MANUAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.GENERAL: This service manual contains service and maintenance instructions for PA-25 Pawnees series,certicated under normal and restricted categories by Type Certificate A-8-10. 1.2.- SECTION II and III compriese the service part of this manual,whereas Sections IV throght XIII comprise the maintenance instructions. The service instructions include ground handling,servicing and inspections. The maintenance instructions for each system include troublesshooting,removal and installation of componentes,and corrective maintenance and testing. Only qualifield personal should perfom the operations described in this manual. The description of the airplane included in this section is limited to general information. Section II gives leading particulars and principal dimensions,while each major system is described in its appropiate section of the manual. For more detailed description of the airplane,refer to the Owner's Handbook, 1.3.-DESCRIPTION General:The PA-25 airplane models PA-25-235 and PA-25-260,is an airplane designed spefically as sprayer operations. Is powered by Lycoming O-540-B2B5 engines rated at 235 and 260 HP. The fuel system is by gravity in models B and C,while in model D is supply by mechanic and electric fuel pumps. For more detailed description of the general airplane,refer to specific Owner's Manual. 1.4.-DIMENSION OF THE AIRPLANE: 1.5.- MOORING: The airplane is moored to insure its inmovability,protection and security under varius wheather conditions.In order to properly moor the airplane use the following procedures: a) Hand the airplane into de wind,if posible. b) Block the wheels, c) Lock the aileron and stabilator control using the appropiate locker in the cockpit. d) Segure tie-down ropes of the wings tie down rings and the tail skid at approximately 45 degrees angles to the ground.When using rope constructed of non synthetic material,leave sufficiente slack to avoid damage to the airplane when the ropes contract due the moisture. 1.6.-SERIALNUMBER PLATE: The serial number plate is located in the upper left side of firewall.This serial number should always refer by the user when referring to the airplane on service or warranty matters. 1.7.-ACCESAND INSPECTION PROVISION.The access and inspection provision for the airplane are shown in the figure 1.2 The compotient to be serviced or inspected throght each opening is identified in the ilustration.All access plates and panels are metal of type of quick remove. 1 8.- WALKWAY,HANDHOLD AND STEP.The walkway are made of non-skid compound applied to paper and bonded to the wing surface over both sides in the wingwalk area. Two fixed handhold are located on both sides of fuselage in the area of the hopper. 1.8.-TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPPMENT Because the simplicity and easy accessibility of componentes,no special tools others the normal shop tools will be requiered for this airplane.