
How to Download Manuals!

After Payment while logged in to your account. Open the Account link, then under the My Orders tab open the Downloads link (the link below works). then download your manual.  If you lost your manual or have trouble, go back and download your manual again!  Some of the manuals are quite large, so we suggest you either change the power setting so your computer doesn't go to sleep, or just browse the internet while it is downloading. If you still have problems, email us, we can email the manual.  We will make sure you get what you paid for!

My Account

My Orders



Should you have any trouble contact us and we will fix the problem!

 If you have any questions contact us on the email on the payment you made to me. The web form contact is not sending stuff in my email. Email @ and kindly put on the subject (order number) so that I can assist you correctly. Thanks


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